Wednesday, September 29, 2004


The elections in the U.S. are almost here. The campaign commercials must be reaching a fever pitch about now. I say "must be", because I have yet to sit down and watch more than 5 minutes of television in months. Trust me, the airwaves are full of half truths, lies, and inuendos.

I did find solice in a quote however. In a world somewhere out there, maybe - just maybe this concept rang true...

"In liberty and equality, as it is thought by some are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost."

Liberty and equality in democracy? What a concept. Share alike in the government...whoa, that's way out there. I don't mean to be cynical and perhaps I'm a little edgy for so early in the morning. Damn, I don't even like politics. But lately I was awakened to my civil duty so to speak, so I have been more consciously aware of what is going on this election. Well, I was. It seems it was a "passing fancy" to speak.

Enough said. I've devoted about as much time to the elections as I care to.

The quote? Who said it you ask?

Aristotle, sometime during his lifetime -384 BC to 322 BC

If it is your right, go out and vote. You may have some time left to make a difference.

I Want It All

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" - Steven Wright.

I love Steven Wright. He's a thinking man's funny man. I'm glad I ran into this quote tonight. I was full of frustration, anger, and confusion. I truly wanted to have everything this evening. Instead, nothing. Oh well. This is not the first time in my life that I have had disappointments, nor will it be the last. Actually, I don't even know if I should feel disappointed. I feel empty, but don't we all at 2:00 in the morning.

Thanks Steven. Once again your wit and humor has put all my angst in perspective. So, next time I get to feeling like I want it all..I will remember the storage issue. Too much excess baggage I guess.