Friday, September 17, 2004

Truth according to Jim Davis

"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."

- Jim Davis

I believe in truth. I have to have faith in truth. It is the cornerstone of all that is stable in relationships, and I believe it makes all relationships stable. Pretty awesome. It is a lofty goal but well worth the journey.

Mr. Davis is dead on.

Accepting Change

Change is an inevitable part of life. However, for some of us change can be both upsetting and stressful - simply because we perceive that it takes away our sense of control. The only way to prevent change from causing stress is to let go of any desire to fight it, and look on it rather as an opportunity to enjoy new experiences and develop new skills and strengths. Keep in mind that human beings are among the most adaptable life forms on Earth. It is completely within you to adapt as life demands it, if you cultivate an attitude of acceptance.

Taoists talk of the principle of wu wei - or "non-doing". This does not mean that we literally do nothing, but rather that we avoid futile effort, allowing life to unfold in its own way. This is a good philosophy.

When change happens don't try to force it through quickly (as if the sooner it is over with, the sooner you will be back in control). Allow things to occur naturally. Try always to look for the positive in any change. If something bad happens accept it and let it go.

Dr. Sarah Brewer