Friday, March 18, 2005

The Next Step

"The process of awakening is like walking on a footpath. When we find such a path after hours of struggling through undergrowth, we know at last that we are heading somewhere. Moreover, we suddenly find that we can move freely without obstruction. We settle into a rhythmic and easy pace. At the same time we are reconnected to others: men, women, and animals who have walked here before us. The path is maintained as a path only because of the tread of feet. Just as others have created this path only because of the tread of feet. Just as others have created this path for us, so by walking on it we maintain it for those who will come after us. What counts is not so much the destination but the resolve to take the next step."

from "Buddhism Without Beliefs" by Stephen Batchelor

The first time I read this passage I knew I had to jot it down somewhere. Somewhere where I would not forget it. This seemed as good as a place as any.

The last line sums it all up for me personally. It is truly the 'resolve to take the next step', that is so representative of where I am now, today, in this moment. I can only hope that I continue to 'take the next step', one step at a time.


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